Thursday, September 10, 2015

Kim Davis and American History

I understand those that disagree with Kim Davis' actions and respect their right to do so. I can happily coexist with those that disagree with me (I am married afterall...) ;)  

My only wish is that those that disagree would at least do so with a proper understanding of the main elements involved in this case that set the framework for her actions: the Bible, the Mayflower Compact and the U.S. Constitution. 

I keep hearing things like: 
"This country was founded on the principle of separation of church and state." No it wasn't, nor was our current interpretation of this principle the original intent.
“In our society, we obey civil laws, not religious ones. To suggest otherwise is, simply put, entirely un-American.” Actually the opposite is true. The very nature of law and our concepts of right and wrong are rooted in Ten Commandments as well as the concept of judgment.
"Christians are called to always submit to the governing authorities...Romans 13, man!!"  As with all passages in the Bible you cannot isolate one from the other.  I could easily point you to Acts 4-5 as well as Christian history in defying Rome, defying the Pope and the Catholic Church and even our own brief American History where men of God and heroes like MLK, Jr. defied laws for the sake of doing what was right.  And don't forget that this nation was forged in the fires of Revolution to throw off an oppressive governing authority in order to form a "more perfect union."

Though Kim may or may not be able to articulate how the Compact and the Constitution influenced her actions, the source material for those documents, the Bible, were what guided her by faith. There is a colossal amount of resources and quotes from Founding Fathers showing how these worked in harmony and were intertwined to forge this nation and guide our path. The modern revisionist and liberal lens through which we look at current events as well as our history is one that is broken and distorted.  Ever since The Bible was removed a growing snowball of implosion has been rolling. 

Only two nations in all of history were founded in covenant with God: Israel and the United States.  We have enjoyed the blessing and favor from that. As a result of those biblically based values we have also been the most generous nation in the world funding disaster relief, missions, food and medical aid, etc. The world has been a better place because the U.S. has been in it. However, we have lost our way and though God has shown incredible patience and grace with us, we must also be prepared to embrace the consequences from breaking that covenant. On the eve of the 14th anniversary of 9/11 and seeing all that has transpired in this nation, perhaps it is time we take a good hard look before it is too late.

(Why keep posting about this?on and here? Glad you asked! Because I really believe this event as well as the catalyst of the SCOTUS decision is a pivotal moment in our country that will lead to our national demise via judgment if we (the Christian Americans) do not pray, speak up, unite, vote, etc.

A few relevant resources: 


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