Monday, December 10, 2012

Making an Impact One Life at a Time

Today I went and visited a beautiful baby boy named Noe and his very tired momma, Gladia.  Noe was born around 2 am this morning and is an 8 lb. boy with a full head of hair and 2 teeth already!  Gladia called me around 11:30 a.m. to share the happy news with me.  

So why am I blogging about this?  Well, I barely know this family.  You see I am kind of a Chipotle addict.  I am even a member of the invitation-only Farm Team (google it!)  Anyway, wherever I go I talk to people.  If I am a regular somewhere I remember people's stories and ask them about events from their lives. As a result people can sense that I see them as more than an employee in a service industry.  They can sense when value is being added to them in a genuine way.  So at Chipotle I have gotten to know a few of the employees as well as the General Manager.  There are two sweet ladies there that always shout out an "hola!" to me.  Now my Spanish is pretty much limited to ordering my favorite foods and what not to put on it (lettuce, tomato, sour cream...yuk!)  But I try to use this limited Spanish when they are there knowing they appreciate hearing their own language. (Always thought they were Mexicans, but just learn one is from Honduras and the other from El Salvador)  

A few months ago when Gladia told me she was pregnant I asked in the process of a conversation if she knew the sex and name of the baby yet.  She told me about her boy named Noe (No-ee), and I told her I was going to start praying for her and for Noe.  She gave me a hug and told me she loved me.  ...I was caught totally off guard and uttered an awkward, "love you too" while wondering what my wife would think of this story.  A few weeks later while strapping on the Chipotle feed bag and reading my book, Gladia walked up and handing an invitation to her upcoming baby shower. Now, I hate those things.  They are usually way girly and I the very few that I have been to, I have wanted to be anywhere but there. But I knew I would be going.  I got to meet her husband and family as well as a lot of friends and family as well as other Chipotle employees outside of the restaurant setting.

So what is the "why" behind all this?  Very simple. As a Christian we are called to be salt and light...everywhere.  In the workplace, in the marketplace and even in Chipotle.  We are to be not only pointing people to Jesus, but also bringing the Kingdom of God with us and establishing it wherever we are.  We are to be agents of the Kingdom of God.  It is the way that the Church has spread across the globe for 2000 years.  

So today I got to pray with Claudia and pray the Lord's blessing on Noe's young life.   How did this opportunity come about?  By loving people, by being available.  It's not as hard as people make it out to be and you just might get to eat some yummy food along the way.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Guest Blogger: Josiah Schall (my 10 yr old son)

I found this written on my son's iPod Touch in the 'Notes' app.  He is 10 years old and says he wants to be a pastor when he grows up.  Though that is entirely up to the Lord as to whether or not He will 'call' my son into vocational ministry, he certainly has a great heart and desire!  He says he reads this when he is going through "hard times."  

Perhaps it would be a blessing to you too:

"Jesus. He rules the earth. No matter what you do he still loves you. He is the one and only savior and one and only God. Because he rules the earth. He rules the earth. Jesus saves us and cares for us. Jesus rules everyone and everything and loves everyone and everything. Jesus is the master of everything. Jesus is our savior and power he gives us strength through hard times and heals us when we are ill. Jesus is real and Jesus watches over us. Jesus is just truly amazing and powerful. If you make a mistake ask for forgiveness and Jesus forgives. Jesus created us like a potter makes pots Jesus is the potter we are the clay. Jesus protects us. Since we are Jesus' creations he loves us no matter what."

Friday, June 1, 2012

3 Stages of Growth - Part II

In 1 John 2:12-14 you see John writing to three different types of people, Children, Adolescents, Adults, but it's not about age it's about maturity and experience in Christ.  

Hopefully all of you have wonderful childhood memories to hang onto.  Hopefully these formative years were ones in which you experienced love, affirmation, discipline and all the things necessary to growing into a healthy well-adjusted individual.  

Childhood is wonderful, but it's straight up weird if a teenager still acts like a baby.  Let's take the image to the extreme...

"What is wrong with this guy's parents?!?!" we would all shout.  

In spiritual growth the childhood years are wonderful, but if we read our Bibles (I know...crazy, right!?!) we see that it is the Lord's expectation for us to grow, to mature, to become more and more like Him.  

Teens often think their parents are mean because they make them do things they don't want to do.  Make them engage in situations that make them uncomfortable.  Why do parents do this?  Why does the Lord do this to us?  

Because we are meant for more than we are.  We are meant to be overcomers. (See 1 John 5:4; Romans 8:37)  And the only way we learn to be overcomers is to...wait for it...overcome difficult (and even seemingly impossible) situations.  If we do not learn to live as overcomers in our adolescence, it is much more difficult (but not impossible) to learn this character trait later on.

There are two ways areas in which we must learn to overcome.  Ask the Lord to help you in these two areas.  To live as an overcomer of self (sinful desires) (see 1 Corinthians 9:27), and to live as an overcomer of the World (this present evil age, world system, principalities and powers) (See 1 John 5:4; Ephesians 6:10-19)

To Be Continued...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chicken Bones, Tea Leaves and the Spirit of God

Ever been in a situation where you are looking for direction from God?  Perhaps it is a pressing situation where the clock is ticking and decisions must be!  As a Spirit-filled Christian I am continually looking for not only God's direction, but also for Him to break though into my life in very real and tangible ways.  It is a great joy of mine to look back and see how the Lord has led me, provided for me and used me.  However, if I am honest in my looking back, those times were filled with doubt, uncertainty and fear.  You see God never showed up exactly how or when I wanted Him to.  And in those times I was constantly searching for His will so that I might live accordingly.

So here's the thing.  It is so tempting during these times (I am in one of those times again) to get caught up in looking for "signs."  Because of fear, timeline pressures, expectations of others, etc. Christians can drift toward superstition.  Certainly God uses signs to communicate to us, but that is not His main voice.  Signs usually only serve as a CONFIRMATION of what He has already spoken.  BUT, it is difficult during transitions times.  

As my wife and I have been praying about different churches that we have had conversations about regarding me coming to pastor, in each case we saw different "signs."  Although we were never sure what they meant exactly.  As I was talking to one church in Ogden, UT and I saw a man jogging and on the back of his shirt in big orange letters was the word "OGDEN."  I thought...well this must be it!  It wasn't.  If I had been paying attention in my heart I would have known.  Other times there have been similar "signs," but something was always absent internally.  It can be a confusing and frustrating time.

So where do we learn how to discern God's will?  The same way we learn anything about God; we turn to His Word.  In His Word, we see the Holy Spirit taking the lead.

Ever notice that Judas' replacement was chosen kind of OT style in Acts 1, but after Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit to dwell in believers there is never again any mention of "casting of lots?"

Some people look at times of delay or things not working out smoothly as having missed God.  How ridiculous!   Again we look at God's Word.  Did things always work out "smoothly" in the life and ministry of Jesus?  How about the Disciples and the early church?  Weren't most of them killed in a gruesome way according to Church history?  What about the expansion of the Kingdom of God through the centuries?  Smooth sailing? Hardly.  Fact is that there will be gaps, struggles, flesh issues that are part of the mix in following Jesus where He leads.

So put the chicken bones, tea leaves, and fortune cookies away.
In all seriousness don't be an 'dumb donkey' and start opening up your spirit to the demonic by consulting horoscopes, tarot, or so-called psychics.  

Trust in the Lord.  (Prov. 3:5-6) Walk in His Spirit. (Gal. 5:25) Live in His love and provision for you.  (Matt 6) He will lead you as He has led my family and I so faithfully all these years.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

3 Stages of Growth - Part I

There are three stages of growth in the Christian's life.  Where are you?  We read in 1 John:

   “I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one."  1 John 2:12-14

You see three different types of people that John is writing to.  God has something to say to you at every stage of growth in your life.  In other words you never outgrow your need for His voice.

Do you remember when you first experienced God?  I'm not talking about religious education, but when you first felt the touch of Almighty God.  That time when you KNEW that your sins were forgiven and that you were made brand new!  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

I remember in college when I experienced God in a world-shaking way.  When I finally surrendered all of myself to Him and stopped playing games.  The joy was overwhelming!  I would walk around giggling like a freak show.  God's Word had come alive to me as I read it.  What was so wonderful?  As John says "because you know the Father."  To feel Him so near, to experience His Spirit, to have my eyes opened as if for the very first time.

Perhaps the cares of this life have drowned out the voice of His Spirit.  Perhaps the worries of this world have sucked out your joy. Spend some time today remembering what it is like to be a 'child' in His arms again.  For as much spiritual growth as we may experience, we should never truly grow beyond being able to experience the joy of being a child of the Father. 

To be continued...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gay Marriage

I thought it relevant to repost this message I did back in 2009. I've been told it is a fair and thoughtful look at the subject. Perhaps you are confused or just don't know what to say about everything that is happening. This might help.

Here is a 10 minute clip of "Speaking to the Gay Marriage Agenda".  For the whole message you can watch here

Friday, April 27, 2012

Value Unchanged

I found this penny today in a garbage disposal in an old house. When I reached in (after turning the breaker off!) and pulled it out I immediately recognized what it was and its value. Though the image that it bears is barely discernible, its value remains unchanged. It must have been in the disposal for years; it's all chewed up corroded and worn down. And yet...its value is the same. I could take it to the bank and deposit it as money.

The point? You may have been through some things. You may have been thrown away by others and forgotten. You may be all chewed up and worn down by choices you have made. BUT you're value remains UNCHANGED to God. In Romans it says that while we were still broken by our sin (worn down, thrown away, corrupted), Jesus died for us because our value to Him remained UNCHANGED. Though we surely look as bad or worse as this penny we still bear His image as worn and faded as that may be. Because of His love and value for us, He paid the ultimate price for us because we are the most precious thing in the Universe...much more than a penny. Because of this we don't have to stay as we are. When we bring our broken, chipped and worn down selves to Him we are transformed and made new. His image is freshly places in and on us. We are made whole and complete in Him...a new creation. But through it all, our value remains the same...worth the highest price

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Love" & "Justice"

I love young people.  I was a full-time youth pastor for over ten years working with the teens and college-aged.   I love it when their heart awakens with passion and a cause.  There's nothing like it when a young person realizes they can make a difference in this messed up world because of Christ!  But with that comes such a need for godly leaders who will mentor them.  I'm not talking about someone who will snuff out there fire and make them act more "adult." Ugh!  I've seen some "leaders" who operate that way.  If anything most adults I know need to learn from our young people and wake up and DO SOMETHING!

...but I digress.

What concerns me recently is definition.  (No, I'm not trying to turn my kegger into a six-pack)  I'm talking about definition of powerful words that people rally behind.  Words like "Love" and "Justice."  Wonderful words because they convey such wonderful ideas and imagery.  But because of the times we are living in, these words like most others are not anchored to anything real, they just float around and occasionally bump into something solid.  I don't want to make this a super-long post (because you won't read it!).  But suffice it to say that my concern lies in two areas related to the upcoming generation.  One, many are fatherless.  Two, many are biblically illiterate and/or have had their understanding of the bible twisted by false teachers.

The modern definition of love is so warped and diluted that it is completely unrecognizable to most.  We love our friends.  We also love pizza. We love Spring.  We made love to a girl we met last night.  We fell in love last month, but we can't stand them.  See the problem??  What about "Justice?"  When someone uses the word justice today they are most of the time saying it is synonymous with the word "fair."  It is not justice to see people in this world have more than they need, while others struggle.  (as if money or "stuff" fixes everything in this world and makes people complete)  "I was wronged and I demand justice!" (vengeance.  I want to get back at them to make it even.)  

No where in their thinking it seems is the biblical idea of these two terms.  Only shadows and bits are revealed, but never the fullness of both of those noble words.  For example it is clear that the biblical idea of love contains way more than warm fuzzy feelings. That it is more than lust, desire, attraction, affection.  It contains things like sacrifice, confrontation, discipline (punishment is the non-pc word), commitment beyond feeling.  Love even contains breaking of relationship as well as initiating it. (1 Cor 5:5; 1 Tim 1:20).  My point is that it is so much deeper than we know and the only way we know true love as God designed is through an honest reading of His Word and through seeing godly examples in our lives.  No one has more power to display this than a dad.  It is imperfect of course, but even if a poor reflection it still reflects the perfect to some degree.  When men are refusing to stand up and be counted, refusing to undertake the responsibility for their actions and commitments and instead just leave, they inflict the deepest wounds upon children that they can.  

What about Justice?  Anyone who grew up with a dad knows that sometimes things were the way they were because Dad said so.  Not only was he conveying authority in establishing what is right and wrong, but it was often the only answer suitable, because we weren't at a place as a child where we could understand the complexity of the situation.  Similarly what is "Just" is connected to the One who created all things and is Holy, and there are certain things He gets to say are right and wrong and we may not get an explanation.  Justice has to do with what is righteous, and there is only one that is righteous.  

Today we can twist everything.  We can make it ok for someone to commit evil because they had a troubled childhood.  We can make it ok to murder babies, because of legal rights of women.  We can it ok to have sex with whoever or whatever we want and call it whatever we want because it makes us feel good.  The most prevalent and current example of misguided sense of love and justice is found in the gay marriage agenda.  This generation is   passionate about this because they see it as a love (feeling) and justice (fairness) issue.  Nowhere is there an understanding of what sin does to people presently or eternally.  Nowhere is there an understanding of honoring God and doing things His way even if it is simply because He said so.  

The younger generation is turning away God as He has revealed Himself and instead making up their own God from bits and pieces, from culture, from a wounded child's perspective because there is no foundation, no anchor.  

Chase them.  Love them. They're worth it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

I wonder...about shame

I've been wondering lately. Sin produces shame in just does. When we sin we are rebelling against God, our created purpose and all that is good. In Christ I can go to the Lord and confess my sin and He takes my shame upon Himself. It is why the Son of God allowed Himself to be beaten and marched baked through the streets of Jerusalem. He was taking our place; taking our shame. And it wasn't just 2000 years ago. He is still taking people's shame and giving them His holiness instead (what a trade!) So I've been wondering about this shame. I know it's there in people, but it doesn't seem like it these days does it? So what happens to this shame in people apart from Christ? I think people are trying all kinds of things to deal with it. How many prescriptions are written due to suppressed shame? (record numbers of anti-depressants each year.) How many are trying to redefine society through rewriting our laws due to what they perceive as the source of the shame they feel? How many good deeds or religious acts are being done out of some misguided belief in a Karma-like system in the universe? I see people persisting in some sort of sense of self-reliance, self-sufficiency trying to deal with the sin problem that only Jesus Christ can free them from. The whole time Jesus keeps repeating, "come unto me you who weary and I will give you rest." The invitation to trade our burden of shame for His life and freedom... I am so glad I made that choice years ago and continue to make that choice everyday. How about you? Aren't you tired of fighting? Time does not erase the stain of sin. Good or religious deeds do not erase or balance out sin. It took the blood of Jesus, the Son of God. He gives us the gift of being able to come to Him and fess up (confess) and by His power to turn away from patterns of sin (repentance). Be free. Be clean. Come into the light.