Thursday, April 23, 2009


Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C., put this up on his blog ( and it was too good for me not copy and share. As I face some uncertainties and growing responsibilities, this was a breath of fresh air:

Andy Stanley shared some priceless thoughts on certainty in his session at Catalyst West. He said, "The more leadership you assume the less certainty and more complexity you'll experience." Andy just says it like it is: "I will always be uncertain. I am certain of it."

Let me share one principle I shared in my lab yesterday. It was a defining moment. We were preparing to launch our second location and I was filled with uncertainly. I was reading a book titled The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley. One sentence changed my approach to leadership. It set me free.

"You'll never be more than 80% certain."


Clint Bryan said...

I'm 80% certain I agree with that statement!

Actually, I have found this in parenting teenagers too.... Things get so nuanced that I am only speculating at times whether a certain course of action is the right one.

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