Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to Choose a Church

How should you choose a church? Many Christians are living disconnected from a church today, despite the continuous biblical command for us to gather together regularly in worship and the many benefits that come to us and to others from being deeply connected in a church. (did you know that the health benefits are the same between stopping smoking and being deeply connected to a church?) Of course part of that is choosing a "church that doesn't suck...the life out of you." (as we like to say)

So how do we choose? I think many of our frustrations are that we don't make good choices as to what we think we want or need. We are just terrible architects of our own happiness and meeting our own needs. So here are some thoughts on what I hope will be a helpful guide in choosing a local church body to connect to.

1. PRAY - in praying surrender all of your expectations and opinions as to what you think a "good church for you" would look like. Confess that He is Lord and that you will follow where He leads. Our lives are His...we must do more than simply confess this.

2. Do they continually lift up Jesus? Is Jesus (not the stuff of Jesus) central to everything they do?

3. Do they honor and celebrate God's Word as the foundation for understanding who God is? (in today's world you must check out a church's statement of beliefs. Is the church you are considering faithful to the historic creeds (Apostle's Creed, Nicene Creed) of the Christian faith?)

4. Do they welcome the Holy Spirit into their services? (this may take various forms, but is He welcomed?)

5. Do they disciple and equip people to live lives that minister inside and outside of the church?

6. (If appropriate) Is ministry to and equipping of my children a core value of the church?

7. Does the church have a burden to be an agent of social justice both locally and globally? (missions, ministry to the poor, serving the community, etc)

8. Ask: "Is there a way for me to not only grow in my giftings, but also to invest those giftings back into the community?"

9. Does the church have a good website? (What?! The reason for this is because if a church has not made the investment into a good web site, it means that they are disconnected from modern culture and are less than passionate about reaching people today with the Gospel of Jesus Christ)

10. Is your intention to find a place to go and hide in the crowd or find meaningful relationships that will help me grow and I in turn can help others?

11. Is this church dwelling on the past, or are they committed to engaging the world today in love with the counter-cultural message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

12. Are the people (including the pastor(s)) living authentic lives as Christ-followers? (In other words, is there a disconnect between church life and real life? Or are the various people (whatever level of spiritual maturity they may be at) striving for authenticity in their everyday life of faith?)

Remember, there is no "perfect church." You won't find that until Heaven. At some point you will most likely get offended wherever you wind up...churches are filled with people after all. Don't take the bait of Satan in your offense and break community. Be courageous. Determine that you are going to allow the Lord to bear greater fruit in your life with kindness, patience, gentleness, etc. (Gal 5:22-23) That doesn't happen in isolation or by watching your favorite preacher on tv...

Make the leap and join a community of believers today! They need you and you need them!!!


mommysews said...

Speaking as someone who has just fairly recently gone through this process, I can say Amen to this. I never thought about it, but #9 is where most of the churches we looked at failed and a good working web site was what brought us to the churches we liked the most.

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