Monday, February 14, 2011

"Why Put the Tree in the Garden?"

So someone brought up something recently that I'd like to respond to. I've never heard any good teaching or explanation on this, so this will be my attempt to think it out...publicly.

There is a situation that can and has created offense within people's hearts toward God regarding our roots in the Garden of Eden. The question has been asked, "Why would God put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (aka the Forbidden Fruit) in the Garden if Adam and Eve were not to touch it?" It has been likened by some people to "putting a hand grenade in a crib." Initially this seems like a cruel thing to do. It is an easy jump to make in our minds. We think "if something can cause pain or destruction, keep it far away." We would all say, "yes, of course!"

So why, as God is forming creation, would he put this tree there? Why not put it outside the Garden somewhere? Why put it in the center of the Garden next to the Tree of Life? Whether your views on the Garden are metaphorical or more literal, the question still stands.

I guess I would start by pointing a few things out.

1. Sin had not yet entered into the world. Adam and Eve did not struggle with their broken fallen sinful natures like we do all the time, even after being born again. So we must keep in mind that this was not like dangling a beer in front of someone who is an alcoholic struggling to break free. There was free will, yes, and along with free will there is always choice, but our First Parent's "wanters" were not broken (yet).

2. I mentioned free will. Here's where we hit some controversy. I would argue that choosing holiness or good is dependent upon there being an alternative choice. A choice to embrace good through obeying God or a choice to rebel and declare our autonomy from our Creator. I am not suggesting that good is dependent upon evil (i.e. Yin-Yang) or any such nonsense as some Christians seem to embrace these days. I merely suggest to have choice you must have at least two things to choose from. In this case it was enjoy goodness and perfection innocently without the pull of a sinful nature, or choose to heed the tempter's voice (external influence) and disobey God. Removing choice would not have been a good option as it would remove an integral part of what it means to be created in image of God. After all, we cannot love God (or anyone) and be in relationship with Him (His continuing intentions) except that we choose to do so.

Simple initial thoughts for a complex question. I may add to this posting at some point as I reflect on it more.

UPDATE: (2/17/10)
3. The Leadership Perspective
Adam and Eve had been given dominion over all of creation. (Gen 1:26,28) They were to rule and reign over everything God had created as stewards. As a rule, leadership is always tested. The one restraint given to these stewards by way of command they could not keep. They were not owners, only stewards. The "hand grenade in the crib" argument doesn't work because they were not ignorant or children. They were innocent yes, but they were fully formed adults with an intellect far beyond our own (Adam named every single creature in creation!). And as I said before they were perfect, whole and complete. There was no sinful nature affecting them then that even affects the most innocent of us...our children. (no one has to teach children to fight over toys)


Anonymous said...

And why did he let that old snake into the garden? ;)

Phil Lewis said...

Hey that's a good question.
Not to add to controversy but here's a few things that should be considered.
1. According to the curse pronounced upon the serpent "because you have done this...on your belly". It would appear that the serpent (before the fall) in the garden was no legless, but having a fashion of mobility other than slithering along the ground.
2. The original word translated in the English to 'crafty' is also the same word as 'shrewd', 'wise' or 'intelligent'
3. The serpent was not evil and was one of God's beautiful creation. This serpent was used by the devil (perhaps because of his known quality for being wises of all the animals). It is not unusual nor uncommon for spirit's) to inhabit a living being to enact it's desires. Plenty of scriptural references to demon possession, but perhaps more pertinent... Numbers 22 - Balaam's donkey.
Hope that helps... at least a little

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