Anywayyyyy, I resigned from my position as Lead Pastor back in the beginning of October at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, plus we face my wife's impending layoff of her job. (details here) So my salary and income ceased mid-October. Since then the only income I have had has been from a few speaking invitations at other churches and working at UPS in December (part-time for minimum wage). All of that totaling about 15% of of my previous income while factoring in the extra money needed for Christmas gifts, travel and other holiday related expenses. We have always lived a very non-extravagant lifestyle and also lived within our means. We have not made many cuts in lifestyle living since my resignation, because there weren't a whole lot of areas to cut.
The testimony part comes in the fact that since my resignation, not only has our savings remain untouched, but every time I go to pay the our tithes and the bills (in that order) I notice our checking account balance keeps INCREASING!
I wonder what would happen if we as the Church (and as a nation!) began trusting God and obeying Him again in the area of finances...
The point in all this is not the FORMULA of tithing, but rather the loving God behind the promises. He is our Father and will provide for us as we seek Him and His Kingdom first in our lives. But don't take my word for it...( and