Monday, August 22, 2011

The Church That I See...

The Church that I see...

As I have been interviewing with churches and answering a bunch of great questions, it has given me a chance to really reflect on what I hold in my heart toward what church is meant to be. As such putting them down on "paper" (so to speak) helps me organize my thoughts. Here's some random thoughts on the church that I see in my heart...

The Church that I see…
I see a church who plays together.
I see a church who prays together.
I see a church who stays together.
I see a church that is filled with people from the nations.
I see a church filled with people that are passionate and vibrant in their worship.
I see a church that has exciting (spirit), sincere (truth) worship.
I see a church committed to being agents of God’s justice in our community and around the world.
I see a church that ministers to and helps to lift the poor.
I see a church that champions the unborn and their mothers.
I see a church filled with people that are deeply connected to one another and deeply connected to the mission of the church. (A community impacting a community)
I see a church that is living blessed in order to be a blessing.
I see a church that so consumed with Christ that they are not hung up on preferences, but are willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill Christ's mission.
I see a church that rejoices and weeps with each other.
I see a church where people are looking for divine appointments all throughout their week in order to be God's Kingdom agents in the world.
I see a church that makes room for the next generation without abandoning them when change comes.
I see a church filled with people who want to press deeper into the journey with God, but are determined to take others with them.
I see a church who is committed to missions, both foreign and domestic.
I see a church filled with people whose lives have been transformed by the Gospel.
I see a church that embraces the supernatural in a natural way.
I see a church that desires and embraces spiritual gifts according to their intended purpose.
I see a church that doesn't just want to serve Jesus, but wants to bring Him pleasure.
I see a church whose facilities reflect the current mission and heart of God in their community.
I see a church that understands that the church belongs to Jesus and not the pastor or the Board or even the people. (we are stewards)

I see a church that will be creative in their expression and methodology, but will hold true to the unchanging Word of God in an ever-changing culture.

I see a church where the people are not just challenged but equipped to minister both in the church and in the marketplace.

I see a church that boldly engages in the marketplace of ideas today with compassionate, loving and thoughtful input from God's Word.


Raymond Hansen said...

Well written and right on target. His church . . .

Iron Mike Barrow said...

Interesting...pretty sure that Jesus saw that same church...why can't we just get it? I don't know really...If you find a church with everything on this me...I'll be packing...

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