Monday, October 4, 2010

"Halloween" Party?

In keeping with our efforts to reach the unchurched and not other Christians from other churches, we are throwing a "Halloween" Party on Sunday October 31st. We are actually moving our whole church service across the street and renting out Hayes Elementary gym for the morning.

Many Christians would bristle at the use of "Halloween" and not the more church-friendly "Harvest" word. Outside of the church arena, a "Harvest Party" sounds much more weird and spooky than a "Halloween Party." Often we expect the people we are inviting to "get it" before actually giving it to them. Mature Christians understand the need to be cognizant of deeper spiritual truths and respect the fact that most people are messing around with things much more powerful and dangerous than they know. (i.e. demons, death symbols, witches and magic, etc.) However, we must understand that this is knowledge that gets assimilated after a person's spirit is reborn in Christ.

Here's what I mean. This Sunday in our bulletin there was coupled with the announcement about our upcoming party a statement that read "No monster costumes." I stood up and told our people to ignore this. I explained that we are not invited our community to come only if they come on our terms or what we consider spiritually acceptable terms. Imagine a mom or dad who know nothing of Christ and they bought the spookiest costume they could find for their child. They receive our invitation, but feel they cannot come because they would either have to buy another costume or if they showed up with the one they have they would be afraid of being labeled "less than ok" in some way for doing so.

It would certainly be my hope that down the road after their spiritual eyes have been opened to the unseen realities of the spiritual world that they would choose a costume that was not demonic in nature.

As a parent, my wife and I had the discussion years ago about what we would do for Halloween when our kids came of age to either participate or not. We decided that it would be nonsense for us to refuse to allow our kids to participate at all. But we have set parameters. We do the pumpkin carving, and we let the kids pick out or create a costume to go "trick or treating" in. But the costumes are not to be demonic, not to be associated with magic, nor will they have anything to do with death or spirits. We know and respect the spiritual realities that exist and do not want to open any door or create any foothold for the enemy in their lives. However, we will not be governed by fear and create some sort of barricaded approach to life. Our approach allows the kids to fully participate and have fun, but in a way that does not dishonor the Lord.

Soooo.... we are throwing a Halloween party! People are free to dress up however they want. We are going to love them, love the kids and show every one of them that Jesus loves them to the fullest amount possible right now as they are.


p said...

good on you.
if you need halloween invitation ideas there are some diy invites the kids can make here.

Eric Schall said...

A lady named "Arleen" posted this on facebook in response to our event:

"I feel that a true Christian Church advertising a" Halloween Party" is offensive and inappropriate. Halloween is secular or worldly holiday."


"It would be more appropriate to celebrate a festival of the Harvest."

I guess she's not coming. :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I applaud your efforts at reaching the unchurched through a Halloween party. My husband and I used to avoid all things Halloween. Now, as more mature Christians (Ha! That's subjective!!!...) we participate in trick or treat and allow our children to dress up. I don't like to remain within my Christian subculture when this gets us out and interacting with our neighbors and their children!!! Additionally, I never understood church "Harvest" parties. Even as a young Christian, I couldn't tell the difference between harvest parties and Halloween parties. If I couldn't tell the difference, then I doubt the unchurched could tell the difference. I believe that many will come to your party that would otherwise not be exposed to the love of Jesus!!!

Anonymous said...

The best place to reach the unsaved and unchurched is to go where they are. We ALL used to be that person. I applaud you my friend, Eric. "Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them!"

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