Friday, June 26, 2015

SCOTUS, POTUS & the Gay Marriage Decision

President Obama in his comments about the SCOTUS decision today announced that "justice has arrived like a thunderbolt"  It is significant that Baraq in Hebrew means "lightening". (Though I disagree with the video maker's initial conclusion click here to watch a video of the meaning of his name)

For close to a decade Christians and the majority of the people of this country have voiced their dissent of gay marriage with votes on the state level.  Over the years the federal courts have slowly and steadily taken away the voice of the people by overturning rightly elected constitutional amendments and referendums. All the while as the decisions were made the new kept reporting how "gay marriage is now legal in ____" They would also report how opinion polls were shifting in support when I really think it was the people giving up the fight since they felt powerless because their voice had already been stripped away...opinions without the power of vote are powerless to affect change.  Today POTUS succeeded in his agenda to legalize gay marriage in this country.  You say SCOTUS is the one who handed down the decision, but with POTUS' obvious bias throughout the years and his nomination of two Justices to the court, do you really think that he didn't have that conversation with them before nominating.  

So now gay marriage is the law of the land, what do we do with that as Bible-believing Christians?
A few thoughts in 2 different areas:

1.  We continue to offer a reasoned respectful voice in the marketplace of ideas as to what the Gospel is and what God's Word says. 
2.  We continue to show (true) love and kindness to all people, including those who self-identify as homosexuals or any one of a number of different possibilities currently.  
3.  We continue to pray and vote according to a biblical worldview
4.  Continue to teach and show your children what God's plan is for a family and how He reveals His nature through His design (as well as grace and forgiveness when we come to Him when we blow it) 
5.  Study God's Word so that we can not only know and love God more, but also be able to give a reasoned defense of the faith which will likely come under greater attack

We must prepare for what is likely coming.  This decision is unlike others in the past.  Another horrible reality that is the law of the land is the right to kill unborn babies.  However, doctors have the right to not perform abortions due to conscientious objections.  As we have seen in the past several years the gay agenda isn't just about the "right to marry," rather it is a well-funded, well-documented agenda to force acceptance and approval of gay (in all its forms) practices as normal, healthy and right.  Right now in CA and soon in VA children are being taught in preschools and elementaries about "gender fluidity" and "gender spectrum" with the inability of parents being able to opt out their children.  What this continued agenda likely means for the church is that you will have gay couples setting pastors up for lawsuits upon being told by the pastor that they will not perform a wedding for two homosexuals.  It is very likely that it will mean the end of tax exempt status for churches which result in many churches closing.  It is also very possible to see pastors fined and even jailed for their refusal according to broadening definitions of "hate" crimes.


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