Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Greatness and Familiarity

Greatness and Familiarity... You know it is a sad truth that greatness in people is often shrouded by our familiarity with them. There is an old saying that says "familiarity breeds contempt." There are people in your life that have greatness upon then or the seeds of it at least. Do you see that? If you can't see it, you can't bless it or benefit from it. Even Jesus who was perfect and truly worthy of respect could not escape this.

53 And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from there,54 and coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, "Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works?55 Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?56 And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?"57 And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household."58 And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.

These people missed a truly great opportunity because they could not get past the veil of what they thought to be the whole truth about someone. Now obviously the people around us are not perfect, but perhaps you are overlooking something in someone you have grown familiar with in your life; particularly if that someone is a Christian. Whether they are weak or strong, they have the Infinite Someone dwelling within them.

*Do you dismiss your children's input because they are small and less "experienced" than you?
*Do you overlook what your grandparents speak to you because they are from a different generation?
*Do you gloss over what a pastor or Christian leader speaks to you because you have grown familiar with them over time?
*Do you dismiss what someone says because they showed their weakness and humanity and disappointed you at some point in the past?
*Do you dismiss the counsel of your parents because you are always seeing ulterior motives in their words?

Ask the Lord to make all things new in your eyes. Ask Him to help you see as He sees. Ask Him to remove the veil so that you might bless and be blessed.

Often with deep regret people wait until funerals to share what was truly in their heart toward a person and how much they meant to them. Why wait?


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