Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Blessing of Legacy...

Last weekend I had the great privilege of performing another wedding for one of my Forerunner youth kids now-all-grown-up. Besides making me feel old(!!!), it was an awesome thing to be remembered with such affection that they asked me to be a part of their most special day.

I also had the opportunity to speak on Sunday morning at the church I used to be a youth pastor at. I founded the youth ministry there and I am sooo thrilled that not only is it still going, but from all reports it is going stronger than ever! It is not a self-centered pride that aggrandizes ones' self to say these things; for the very reason that it is still flourishing is because it was founded upon the Rock, Jesus Christ. Upon the Lord leading my family and I out of there, I was so grateful that the Senior Pastor turned the ministry over to one of my adult leaders on my team. I know it was a difficult thing for him to step into a position of heading a ministry founded and grown up by someone else, but he did so admirably and has put his own stamp of God-given uniqueness upon it all. I am sure if I attended a youth service it would be very different now than when I was there...and it should be! As long as it continues to be built upon the Rock, Forerunner will keep going strong in all of its various forms to come.

It makes me grateful for those who have come before me at West Shore Church. Though the church is very different now than it was in the past, I know that those faithful people laid a foundation that is sure and true. We are now building upon that Rock again. We are not only honoring the legacy of those that came before, but we are creating a new chapter of legacy all our own. We were put on this earth, in this place for such a time as this...and we too will be found faithful!


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