When God Blows up in da house! I was reading in Acts 2 today as part of my Bible reading plan. I was struck by the flow of events. There was the group of Christians praying, waiting for the Promised Holy Spirit and power. When that moment came there was great happiness and rejoicing. They were enjoying the gift they had been given...so much so that people thought they were drunk! Awesome!! :)
But there is an almost immediate and I believer very important transition. All of a sudden the Christians that are enjoying God's Presence are aware of those who are not. Peter stands and begins to preach. He begins to preach the good news. He begins to direct people to God's Word. He directs people to Jesus. He tells people that their sin has crucified Jesus, but that He is now risen from the dead. He tells them that they can experience forgiveness through repenting of their sins. That day 3000 people became Christians...an instant mega-church. Awesome!! :)
While it is certainly true that a person can live an Acts 2 life everyday, there are also special moments in history where God who is already extravagant in His grace and love towards us, enjoys pouring out even more of Himself. I think it is SO important that moves of God have these two elements. We should enjoy God's Spirit. We should drink deeply and lose ourselves in worship and proclamation of Him. But as Peter and the others remembered...there was a purpose for the power. They had been waiting for this at the command of Jesus before setting off to fulfill the Great Commission. In other words..the people in the street who didn't know what was happening; they were the purpose of God's richness that day. When people caught up in a move of God forget the people on the street...the move moves on.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Read this testimony from someone who just graduated from our Basic Training discipleship class.
"I came to West Shore with a broken spirit and totally FAITHLESS. Then came Basic Training Discipleship Class; through this I developed knowledge of what God did for me, has for me and where to go to find it. During these lessons I developed faith, hope and a sense of determination of discovering my PURPOSE IN LIFE." - Denise Knight
That my friends is what it is all about...
"I came to West Shore with a broken spirit and totally FAITHLESS. Then came Basic Training Discipleship Class; through this I developed knowledge of what God did for me, has for me and where to go to find it. During these lessons I developed faith, hope and a sense of determination of discovering my PURPOSE IN LIFE." - Denise Knight
That my friends is what it is all about...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Need and Power
Need and Power. I was spending some time in Luke chapter nine this morning. As I was reading about how Jesus gave the disciples authority for deliverance, power for healing and command for preaching, the command for taking nothing with them stood out to me. They were told to take nothing with them for comfort or their own provision.
Think about that. How often do we wait to act until we feel we've prepared enough, trained enough, saved enough? They were sent out in such a way that they were completely at the mercy of the provision of the Lord directly and through other people. I have never been an advocate of asceticism (the belief that you need to be completely poor to follow Jesus), but it makes me wonder if there is a connection between need and power. God is always leading us to a place of trusting Him more. He wants us to trust Him with our emotions, trust Him with our future, trust Him with our children, trust Him with our careers.
If the disciples had been sent out with the normal travel provisions, they would have been looking for the normal things to happen. Instead they walked expecting the supernatural...looking for it to happen. And if it didn't happen, they would be hungry, cold and hurting.
Perhaps with our finances being blown up the last few years, God is again trying to get us to trust Him with more. So I guess the end result will be based on: are we simply looking to get our old broken ways back, or are we looking for the supernatural breakthrough of the Kingdom of God in our lives? What is your "more" that you need to trust Him with? Do you believe that God can meet you there? Is it ok to let go of the old to make room for the new?
What was the result of the disciples obedience and trust?
Luke 9:6 (TNIV) So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.
Luke 10:17 (TNIV) The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”
Those things that you think you have no power over, those things that you say "oh that's just how I am" or "I can't help how I feel" all of a sudden the power of those things is broken off of you as the Kingdom of God comes in power through His Spirit.
Trust Him with more today.
Think about that. How often do we wait to act until we feel we've prepared enough, trained enough, saved enough? They were sent out in such a way that they were completely at the mercy of the provision of the Lord directly and through other people. I have never been an advocate of asceticism (the belief that you need to be completely poor to follow Jesus), but it makes me wonder if there is a connection between need and power. God is always leading us to a place of trusting Him more. He wants us to trust Him with our emotions, trust Him with our future, trust Him with our children, trust Him with our careers.
If the disciples had been sent out with the normal travel provisions, they would have been looking for the normal things to happen. Instead they walked expecting the supernatural...looking for it to happen. And if it didn't happen, they would be hungry, cold and hurting.
Perhaps with our finances being blown up the last few years, God is again trying to get us to trust Him with more. So I guess the end result will be based on: are we simply looking to get our old broken ways back, or are we looking for the supernatural breakthrough of the Kingdom of God in our lives? What is your "more" that you need to trust Him with? Do you believe that God can meet you there? Is it ok to let go of the old to make room for the new?
What was the result of the disciples obedience and trust?
Luke 9:6 (TNIV) So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.
Luke 10:17 (TNIV) The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”
Those things that you think you have no power over, those things that you say "oh that's just how I am" or "I can't help how I feel" all of a sudden the power of those things is broken off of you as the Kingdom of God comes in power through His Spirit.
Trust Him with more today.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Does the Lord hate?
Does the Lord hate? Surely not, right? After all, "God is love" is one of our favorite verses. Plus, the idea of God hating anything or anyone would totally go against our picture of a kind grandpa in the sky... Well I was curious, so I did a quick study to see what the answer was...
Let me say briefly that I am not trying to be negative or say that God hates a bunch of people. This was just sparked by the trend to create a made up God based on our cultural values of tolerance, being "nice", never saying anything is wrong, etc. Certainly God is love, and He showed that He loves all of us by dying for us while we still were doing the things that He hates (Ro. 5.8) And you must ask the question of "Why?" while going over these things. Why does God hate them? Perhaps His hatred of these things is rooted in love?
Idolatry/False Gods (well known ones today - Allah, Greek/Roman Pantheon, Gaia (aka "Mother Nature"), Variety of religions that present Jesus as anything other than fully God AND fully man, ancestor worship, various spiritual philosophies) - Deut. 1.27; 7.25; 9.18; 12.31; I Ki. 11
Giving God your scraps and leftovers as offerings - Deut 17.1
Sorcery/Witchcraft/Divination/Tarot/Spiritual Mediums - Deut 18.9
Churches who just play church and go through the motions - Is. 1.14
Divorce - Malachi 2.16
Prostitution - Deut 23.18
Dishonest/Shady Business Practices - Deut 25.14; Prov. 11.1
Injustice in the Courts - Prov. 17.15
Sexual immorality/the practice of homosexuality - Rev. 2.14-15; Lev. 18 ("detests")
When people are arrogant
when people lie
hands that shed innocent blood
When people come up with wicked/perverse plans
When a person is quick to run to evil
people who stir up trouble in church/community/families
Proverbs 6:16-19 (TNIV) There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up dissension in the community.
This is in no way exhaustive, but just a quick look at some of the things the Lord has strong feelings against.
Let me say briefly that I am not trying to be negative or say that God hates a bunch of people. This was just sparked by the trend to create a made up God based on our cultural values of tolerance, being "nice", never saying anything is wrong, etc. Certainly God is love, and He showed that He loves all of us by dying for us while we still were doing the things that He hates (Ro. 5.8) And you must ask the question of "Why?" while going over these things. Why does God hate them? Perhaps His hatred of these things is rooted in love?
Idolatry/False Gods (well known ones today - Allah, Greek/Roman Pantheon, Gaia (aka "Mother Nature"), Variety of religions that present Jesus as anything other than fully God AND fully man, ancestor worship, various spiritual philosophies) - Deut. 1.27; 7.25; 9.18; 12.31; I Ki. 11
Giving God your scraps and leftovers as offerings - Deut 17.1
Sorcery/Witchcraft/Divination/Tarot/Spiritual Mediums - Deut 18.9
Churches who just play church and go through the motions - Is. 1.14
Divorce - Malachi 2.16
Prostitution - Deut 23.18
Dishonest/Shady Business Practices - Deut 25.14; Prov. 11.1
Injustice in the Courts - Prov. 17.15
Sexual immorality/the practice of homosexuality - Rev. 2.14-15; Lev. 18 ("detests")
When people are arrogant
when people lie
hands that shed innocent blood
When people come up with wicked/perverse plans
When a person is quick to run to evil
people who stir up trouble in church/community/families
Proverbs 6:16-19 (TNIV) There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up dissension in the community.
This is in no way exhaustive, but just a quick look at some of the things the Lord has strong feelings against.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The System doesn't trust The System
I think it is funny (sad!) that many leaders in our government don't want to put the 9/11 terrorists on trial in our country because they are afraid of them getting off on a technicality. This is what happens when something is broken, but no one fixes it...people stop using it. Those that are part of the "the system" don't trust "the system" to get the job done...so they create workarounds making everything all the more broken. How about fixing the problem with "technicalities" and plugging the "loopholes?" Just sayin'.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Go Deep
Shallow Christians and Shallow Churches miss the richness of Christ's love as well as the fullness of His power and purpose in this life. I'm going to steer you to my friend Pastor Debbie Spisz's blog for a good devotional word about going deep.
Dive in, baby! :-P
Dive in, baby! :-P
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My True North
My True North. I just listened to Bill George as part of The Forum 2009 Leadership Conference. He wrote a book called True North in which he encourages you to find out what your purpose and giftings are and then build on those strengths. Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life gives similar encouragement.
So I just wanted to blog/journal about what comes to mind when I think about God's purpose for my life and what really gets me juiced in ministry. There are a whole lot of things that I enjoy about ministry (and certain things I don't), but these are the ones that really touch a deep place of joy in my spirit. These are the ones that I am unconsciously driving toward all the time. I don't know how comprehensive this is, but these are the ones off the top of my head:
Preaching God’s Word
Seeing new believers pursue Jesus and live out a transformed/transforming life
Radical acts of generosity and compassion
Equipping, empowering and releasing people into ministry (Team building)
Passionate worship
What's God's purpose for your life? What is your True North?
So I just wanted to blog/journal about what comes to mind when I think about God's purpose for my life and what really gets me juiced in ministry. There are a whole lot of things that I enjoy about ministry (and certain things I don't), but these are the ones that really touch a deep place of joy in my spirit. These are the ones that I am unconsciously driving toward all the time. I don't know how comprehensive this is, but these are the ones off the top of my head:
Preaching God’s Word
Seeing new believers pursue Jesus and live out a transformed/transforming life
Radical acts of generosity and compassion
Equipping, empowering and releasing people into ministry (Team building)
Passionate worship
What's God's purpose for your life? What is your True North?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
No Limits Leadership
There's an old proverb (not biblical) that says something like "don't let your reach exceed your grasp." In other words it is saying that you should be aiming for things that are beyond your ability to attain. There is certainly wisdom in this saying. For example, if you don't know me I am 38 yrs old, 6' 1" with a big frame and weigh around 245. Even if I was in top physical condition, it would be foolish of me to pursue a career as a horse jockey!
This can be true when it comes to leadership as well. There are certainly limitations to every person. Some are better leaders than others. Some have different skill sets. Some are better with people. Some are better with establishing necessary systems. Some are better with IT. You get the point...
By this time in life I know my strengths and limitations. However, I have invested a lot of time, research and effort into an area that removes all my limitations. In Exodus 18 Moses' father-in-law Jethro gives him some wise counsel. Moses was trying to pastor millions of people all by himself. Jethro told him that he was wearing himself and the people out by carrying the load by himself and that he needed to share the load by creating a hierarchical leadership team. I don't care how talented you are or if you have the most impressive leadership skills, you have limitations.
If you are wise and realize this, you can put the Jethro principle (nod to J. Maxwell) into practice. That "thing" that I have invested in is team building. You see as a pastor I am aiming at something that is way beyond my ability to grasp on my own. It is not daydreaming or fantasy, I know the skills and the cost associated with what I am aiming at. That is why I pray often for the equipped people that I need to come alongside me in partnership. When you have a vision for "Team" rather than a vision for "I," you remove limitations that may be caused by a lack of ability. Now, when you also seek God for His vision and commit yourself to doing things His way your truly can achieve the impossible!
This can be true when it comes to leadership as well. There are certainly limitations to every person. Some are better leaders than others. Some have different skill sets. Some are better with people. Some are better with establishing necessary systems. Some are better with IT. You get the point...
By this time in life I know my strengths and limitations. However, I have invested a lot of time, research and effort into an area that removes all my limitations. In Exodus 18 Moses' father-in-law Jethro gives him some wise counsel. Moses was trying to pastor millions of people all by himself. Jethro told him that he was wearing himself and the people out by carrying the load by himself and that he needed to share the load by creating a hierarchical leadership team. I don't care how talented you are or if you have the most impressive leadership skills, you have limitations.
If you are wise and realize this, you can put the Jethro principle (nod to J. Maxwell) into practice. That "thing" that I have invested in is team building. You see as a pastor I am aiming at something that is way beyond my ability to grasp on my own. It is not daydreaming or fantasy, I know the skills and the cost associated with what I am aiming at. That is why I pray often for the equipped people that I need to come alongside me in partnership. When you have a vision for "Team" rather than a vision for "I," you remove limitations that may be caused by a lack of ability. Now, when you also seek God for His vision and commit yourself to doing things His way your truly can achieve the impossible!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dealing with the Injustice of Betrayal
Has someone ever let you down? Someone who was so influential in your life who through their actions of words just suddenly pulled the carpet out from under you? I have heard numerous stories in my years of ministry where kids would share the devastation they felt as they learned that their parents were getting a divorce. I have heard heartbreaking stories of abuse by various means against someone weak and vulnerable and trusting. Every time it is heart wrenching to hear these types of things the father's heart in me wants to try and fix it, wants to lash out and hurt those who have inflicted harm in such ways. But the truth of it is that the Lord is is the only one who can "fix" it. Oh He doesn't remove the experience from our minds, or somehow go back in time and change it. What He does is He brings healing to the open stinging wound. What He does is He makes a way where we don't have to be defined by tragedy or inflicted shame. What He does is give us the gift of being able to extend forgiveness towards those who don't deserve it, just like He does to us. This frees us from the toxic effects of bitterness and unforgiveness, in a way that no amount of "positive thinking" or self-help can ever come close to.
In moments where our foundations are rattled, it is an opportunity for us to know more of Who God is and how loving, generous and all-sufficient He truly is to us. Have you experienced betrayal? Have you then made the choice to either nurture the pain and anger, or dive deep into Jesus to find more hope, more healing and more freedom?
Oh and that whole desire to lash out...God's got that covered too. The reason we can let go of retribution is because God is a God of Justice and one Day there will be a reckoning. (Though you know you have truly found freedom when your desire for those who have hurt you is mercy rather than judgment)
In moments where our foundations are rattled, it is an opportunity for us to know more of Who God is and how loving, generous and all-sufficient He truly is to us. Have you experienced betrayal? Have you then made the choice to either nurture the pain and anger, or dive deep into Jesus to find more hope, more healing and more freedom?
Oh and that whole desire to lash out...God's got that covered too. The reason we can let go of retribution is because God is a God of Justice and one Day there will be a reckoning. (Though you know you have truly found freedom when your desire for those who have hurt you is mercy rather than judgment)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Regarding the release of the Lockerbie Bomber
Recently the Scottish government released the only man convicted for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. This was done for "compassionate" reasons according to the people of Scotland's "beliefs." (Scotland is a Christian nation.) The reason for the release is because the bomber, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, has been diagnosed with cancer and only given months to live. He was sent back to Libya to be with his family while he dies.
I understand that this is incredibly painful and insulting to the families of the many victims, but is there a greater good at work here? Is the Scottish government wrong in this and other cases? What would be served for him to spend his few remaining days in prison alone, except perhaps vengeance? He was, in effect, in prison for the rest of his life after his conviction.
I know that this man received a hero's welcome back in Libya, and if he was indeed guilty of the crime (there has been serious doubt regarding the conviction) that to me is disgusting to celebrate this man and his actions. But we (and by "we" I mean Christians) are not responsible for other people's actions, only our own.
I think that this was a strong act of compassion that honors the Lord and sends a strong message of the way that Christians are different. After all, Christians understand the darkness of our own hearts and the treachery we are capable of. Though some would read this and object "I would NEVER..." But given the same environment and upbringing, you really don't know that you would be any different. Let me say that we do desire justice in this world and believe there should be punishment for crimes, but we also are called to extend mercy. This act was, perhaps, a great example of that.
My point in all this? Christians are called to have a biblical worldview, rather than a secular (or regular) worldview. I think that this is one case of a government that is still founded upon Christian principles as we and many other nations continue slipping away from Christ. Our history is filled with examples of extreme compassion that reflected our faith and made the world sit up and take notice.
I understand that this is incredibly painful and insulting to the families of the many victims, but is there a greater good at work here? Is the Scottish government wrong in this and other cases? What would be served for him to spend his few remaining days in prison alone, except perhaps vengeance? He was, in effect, in prison for the rest of his life after his conviction.
I know that this man received a hero's welcome back in Libya, and if he was indeed guilty of the crime (there has been serious doubt regarding the conviction) that to me is disgusting to celebrate this man and his actions. But we (and by "we" I mean Christians) are not responsible for other people's actions, only our own.
I think that this was a strong act of compassion that honors the Lord and sends a strong message of the way that Christians are different. After all, Christians understand the darkness of our own hearts and the treachery we are capable of. Though some would read this and object "I would NEVER..." But given the same environment and upbringing, you really don't know that you would be any different. Let me say that we do desire justice in this world and believe there should be punishment for crimes, but we also are called to extend mercy. This act was, perhaps, a great example of that.
My point in all this? Christians are called to have a biblical worldview, rather than a secular (or regular) worldview. I think that this is one case of a government that is still founded upon Christian principles as we and many other nations continue slipping away from Christ. Our history is filled with examples of extreme compassion that reflected our faith and made the world sit up and take notice.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Just another example of our brokenness in sin. Why do we only truly appreciate what we have when we are separated from it? My fam is out of town for the week and suddenly I am aware of how much I love my wife and children. I suppose it has something to do with the peace and quiet that allows for reflection, where normally everything is a mad rush of chaos. And perhaps dealing with the pressure of trying to pastor and grow a church that has a great future ahead of it, as well as working on my Masters for the last two years.. These often unfairly only leaves scraps for my family. But this time makes me wonder if I truly express how precious my wife is to me or let my children know how much I love them. Do they know?
So I think that I will write a note to each one that they can read on their return that expresses those things. An idea for you to use as well?
So I think that I will write a note to each one that they can read on their return that expresses those things. An idea for you to use as well?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My identity and confidence
I will rest in what God has spoken over and about me rather than what others or even myself would say regarding who I am or where I am headed.
Monday, June 8, 2009
God's laws
Have you ever noticed how the people and prophets expressed delight in God's laws in the Old Testament? Not just the 10 Commandments, but all of God's laws. How could this be so? In our 21st century American mindset we would view all these laws as restrictive, choking, binding. What was it that these people saw that most of us would be unable to see?
I am pretty sure that they recognized that these laws were a gift given by God to set them apart as a people distinctly to be known as the people of God. This was a covenant of love...love from God to His people, love for God by His people, and love for one another. It was also meant to be a light for all peoples, as well as an indicator that God had set in plan a motion that would lead to the salvation of all who received it.
In the midst of the growing chaos in this world, where systems are breaking down, people are being confused by new found exposure to the world's other religions, and other things... this is a time where those who follow God's ways will stand out as a witness to God's love. Rediscover God's law; particularly in the new covenant setting. You will find not restriction and bondage, but rather freedom and joy!
I am pretty sure that they recognized that these laws were a gift given by God to set them apart as a people distinctly to be known as the people of God. This was a covenant of love...love from God to His people, love for God by His people, and love for one another. It was also meant to be a light for all peoples, as well as an indicator that God had set in plan a motion that would lead to the salvation of all who received it.
In the midst of the growing chaos in this world, where systems are breaking down, people are being confused by new found exposure to the world's other religions, and other things... this is a time where those who follow God's ways will stand out as a witness to God's love. Rediscover God's law; particularly in the new covenant setting. You will find not restriction and bondage, but rather freedom and joy!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Stupid Church Signs
I saw another stupid church sign the other day. As some of you know they are my pet peeves. You've seen them... "God reads 'knee-mail'" & "Wal-Mart's not the only saving place..."
I know, right?!!? retarded.
The one I recently saw was a permanent part of a sign...not just the letters you can put up and change periodically. What did it say? Well besides the name of the church it said...
"Systematically teaching the Word of God"
Ok...so the "stupidness" is not so obvious on this one. But tell me, what is a church sign for? Is it for church members already attending that church? Nope. Obviously they know where the church is should be able to remember what the building looks like.
Church signs are for "advertising" to people who do not already attend there. Ok..so with that goal in mind and this church's chosen signage...who do you think they are advertising to? Who would "Systematically teaching the Word of God" appeal to? One would think only seasoned mature Christians would find that appealing.
So what't the point? The point of my rant is this... This sign reveals a flaw in our thinking in the church today. We have given up reaching the unchurched and the lost! Oh we still talk about them, put them in our mission statements and bring them up in our prayers... But we are not willing to change what we do or how we think in order to build a bridge and reach them!
We spend out time and money marketing to other Christians when we should be devoting our efforts to making some.
We at West Shore are still a church, but we are doing soemthing different...attempting to fix what is broken.
I know, right?!!? retarded.
The one I recently saw was a permanent part of a sign...not just the letters you can put up and change periodically. What did it say? Well besides the name of the church it said...
"Systematically teaching the Word of God"
Ok...so the "stupidness" is not so obvious on this one. But tell me, what is a church sign for? Is it for church members already attending that church? Nope. Obviously they know where the church is should be able to remember what the building looks like.
Church signs are for "advertising" to people who do not already attend there. Ok..so with that goal in mind and this church's chosen signage...who do you think they are advertising to? Who would "Systematically teaching the Word of God" appeal to? One would think only seasoned mature Christians would find that appealing.
So what't the point? The point of my rant is this... This sign reveals a flaw in our thinking in the church today. We have given up reaching the unchurched and the lost! Oh we still talk about them, put them in our mission statements and bring them up in our prayers... But we are not willing to change what we do or how we think in order to build a bridge and reach them!
We spend out time and money marketing to other Christians when we should be devoting our efforts to making some.
We at West Shore are still a church, but we are doing soemthing different...attempting to fix what is broken.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Blessing of Legacy...
Last weekend I had the great privilege of performing another wedding for one of my Forerunner youth kids now-all-grown-up. Besides making me feel old(!!!), it was an awesome thing to be remembered with such affection that they asked me to be a part of their most special day.
I also had the opportunity to speak on Sunday morning at the church I used to be a youth pastor at. I founded the youth ministry there and I am sooo thrilled that not only is it still going, but from all reports it is going stronger than ever! It is not a self-centered pride that aggrandizes ones' self to say these things; for the very reason that it is still flourishing is because it was founded upon the Rock, Jesus Christ. Upon the Lord leading my family and I out of there, I was so grateful that the Senior Pastor turned the ministry over to one of my adult leaders on my team. I know it was a difficult thing for him to step into a position of heading a ministry founded and grown up by someone else, but he did so admirably and has put his own stamp of God-given uniqueness upon it all. I am sure if I attended a youth service it would be very different now than when I was there...and it should be! As long as it continues to be built upon the Rock, Forerunner will keep going strong in all of its various forms to come.
It makes me grateful for those who have come before me at West Shore Church. Though the church is very different now than it was in the past, I know that those faithful people laid a foundation that is sure and true. We are now building upon that Rock again. We are not only honoring the legacy of those that came before, but we are creating a new chapter of legacy all our own. We were put on this earth, in this place for such a time as this...and we too will be found faithful!
I also had the opportunity to speak on Sunday morning at the church I used to be a youth pastor at. I founded the youth ministry there and I am sooo thrilled that not only is it still going, but from all reports it is going stronger than ever! It is not a self-centered pride that aggrandizes ones' self to say these things; for the very reason that it is still flourishing is because it was founded upon the Rock, Jesus Christ. Upon the Lord leading my family and I out of there, I was so grateful that the Senior Pastor turned the ministry over to one of my adult leaders on my team. I know it was a difficult thing for him to step into a position of heading a ministry founded and grown up by someone else, but he did so admirably and has put his own stamp of God-given uniqueness upon it all. I am sure if I attended a youth service it would be very different now than when I was there...and it should be! As long as it continues to be built upon the Rock, Forerunner will keep going strong in all of its various forms to come.
It makes me grateful for those who have come before me at West Shore Church. Though the church is very different now than it was in the past, I know that those faithful people laid a foundation that is sure and true. We are now building upon that Rock again. We are not only honoring the legacy of those that came before, but we are creating a new chapter of legacy all our own. We were put on this earth, in this place for such a time as this...and we too will be found faithful!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C., put this up on his blog (evotional.com) and it was too good for me not copy and share. As I face some uncertainties and growing responsibilities, this was a breath of fresh air:
Andy Stanley shared some priceless thoughts on certainty in his session at Catalyst West. He said, "The more leadership you assume the less certainty and more complexity you'll experience." Andy just says it like it is: "I will always be uncertain. I am certain of it."
Let me share one principle I shared in my lab yesterday. It was a defining moment. We were preparing to launch our second location and I was filled with uncertainly. I was reading a book titled The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley. One sentence changed my approach to leadership. It set me free.
"You'll never be more than 80% certain."
Andy Stanley shared some priceless thoughts on certainty in his session at Catalyst West. He said, "The more leadership you assume the less certainty and more complexity you'll experience." Andy just says it like it is: "I will always be uncertain. I am certain of it."
Let me share one principle I shared in my lab yesterday. It was a defining moment. We were preparing to launch our second location and I was filled with uncertainly. I was reading a book titled The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley. One sentence changed my approach to leadership. It set me free.
"You'll never be more than 80% certain."
He has torn us to pieces...
I am tired. I feel like I have been shredded. It's too much sometimes. Ever feel like that? The weight and worry of everything is too much to carry. I believe that our nation that I love is under judgment. The experts are at a loss to explain the rapid evaporation of wealth and have no clue what to do. Everyone is watching for signs of life. In our beloved country, a recent court ruling has stated plainly what has been mostly unsaid. A judge ruled that the over-the-counter abortion pill (or morning after pill) cannot be restricted to 18+ women only. In part of the judges ruling he essentially says that science is our foundation in this country. When the Bible is removed as a foundation for a country or a person, all sense of right is suddenly relative. This of course has been going on for decades now..but we are seeing the fruit of being our own gods.
Can I tell you that I believe that our churches are being judged as well? When church becomes about something other than Jesus it ceases to be His Body. He will reclaim us. "For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household..." 1 Peter 4:17 (TNIV) People are turning away from God, hearts are growing cold, churches are shrinking as people are tired of lifeless liturgy and lukewarm faith.
And yet there is cause for great hope! God is not done yet! Not only is the empowered church of Jesus exploding in the global South and East, but God is not done with our country...not yet! If the remnant will rise up; if the people of God will repent and truly pray, then God will hear and will forgive and heal our land. (2 Chron 7.14) He will come. He will come like the Mighty Warrior. He will come and heal and restore. The people of God will once again be the light that they are called to be. For what is God's purpose in judgement, if not to restore? If not to turn us from our own self-destruction?
Hosea 6:1-3 (TNIV) “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
Can I tell you that I believe that our churches are being judged as well? When church becomes about something other than Jesus it ceases to be His Body. He will reclaim us. "For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household..." 1 Peter 4:17 (TNIV) People are turning away from God, hearts are growing cold, churches are shrinking as people are tired of lifeless liturgy and lukewarm faith.
And yet there is cause for great hope! God is not done yet! Not only is the empowered church of Jesus exploding in the global South and East, but God is not done with our country...not yet! If the remnant will rise up; if the people of God will repent and truly pray, then God will hear and will forgive and heal our land. (2 Chron 7.14) He will come. He will come like the Mighty Warrior. He will come and heal and restore. The people of God will once again be the light that they are called to be. For what is God's purpose in judgement, if not to restore? If not to turn us from our own self-destruction?
Hosea 6:1-3 (TNIV) “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
Friday, April 17, 2009
Guidance for my misguided ways
Well, I was totally eavesdropping on the patio at Panera yesterday (cuz that's how I roll), and listened to this one lady talking. She was conveying various aspects of her life, most of which were totally jacked, and then she says "well, I'm just praying for guidance."
I found myself wondering, "How often do we ask for guidance in our misguided ways?" In other words, after we craft our own way and make a mess of things, how often do we ask God to work things out for us in our messes? Often the request is for God to make our messes a little more manageable rather than asking for forgiveness and adopting God's ways instead of our ways. We love being our own god even though we totally screw things up.
"God, I'd really like it if you would rearrange my mess pile a little, but don't get rid of it...I've grown attached to the stench of garbage"
Just give it up. Trust me, I'm a great mess maker. But I learned (and am learning) to follow God's ways in my "new life." The air is great out here!
(Thank God for His grace, but stop clinging to your garbage!)
I found myself wondering, "How often do we ask for guidance in our misguided ways?" In other words, after we craft our own way and make a mess of things, how often do we ask God to work things out for us in our messes? Often the request is for God to make our messes a little more manageable rather than asking for forgiveness and adopting God's ways instead of our ways. We love being our own god even though we totally screw things up.
"God, I'd really like it if you would rearrange my mess pile a little, but don't get rid of it...I've grown attached to the stench of garbage"
Just give it up. Trust me, I'm a great mess maker. But I learned (and am learning) to follow God's ways in my "new life." The air is great out here!
(Thank God for His grace, but stop clinging to your garbage!)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
How much trust?
This morning I twittered a question: "How dependent on the Holy Spirit are we willing to live?" This question keeps rolling around in my own noggin. In the last several years God has certainly accelerated the necessity to answer this question in my life. Several years ago we stepped out in faith from a secure position believing that God was leading us elsewhere. We found wilderness and a situation of almost being forced to trust God beyond our ability to handle. Now we are taking an all or nothing leap of faith as a church into a new building in order to grow and impact the West Shore region. Let me be real for a sec, if this leap of faith doesn't work out, I lose my "job," my income, and won't be able to afford the house we live in. My family and I will be a statistic. So why risk it? One reason only. I feel the Lord's direction in this. By His grace, I feel continued confirmations all along the way.
I have the distinct feeling of what David must have felt looking at Goliath. I, like you, have two sides to me. On the one hand I am looking at the enormity of the risk of the situation in front of me. I see that we will need to grow substantially in a short amount of time. I see the hardship of turning around a church and recruiting others to help in this adventure. On the other hand, I feel a great offense in my spirit that anything would dare to stand in the way of God's Kingdom. To see what is happening in our country as Christians shrink back in fear and intimidation of the giant of cultural pressures, makes me want to lead the charge and kill that thing! God is not dead! He is still looking for champions who will answer the call. What made David a champion that day? Though he had been through some battles before (lion, bear), ultimately it was his trust in the Lord. He put himself at risk with no guarantees or assurances except his faith because He trusted that God would be with Him and cause him to succeed. His risk, his action, God's provision, God's power.
So...how dependent on the Holy Spirit are you willing to live? Would you risk your career to serve God on the mission field? Would you risk providing for your family to follow God's direction? Would you risk being labeled "fool" or "fanatic" to follow the voice of Jesus in a different direction? (I mean really has your way worked out better?) Would you be willing to put your stuff on the line and be part of God's answer to this generation? I say YES! Let's do this!
I have the distinct feeling of what David must have felt looking at Goliath. I, like you, have two sides to me. On the one hand I am looking at the enormity of the risk of the situation in front of me. I see that we will need to grow substantially in a short amount of time. I see the hardship of turning around a church and recruiting others to help in this adventure. On the other hand, I feel a great offense in my spirit that anything would dare to stand in the way of God's Kingdom. To see what is happening in our country as Christians shrink back in fear and intimidation of the giant of cultural pressures, makes me want to lead the charge and kill that thing! God is not dead! He is still looking for champions who will answer the call. What made David a champion that day? Though he had been through some battles before (lion, bear), ultimately it was his trust in the Lord. He put himself at risk with no guarantees or assurances except his faith because He trusted that God would be with Him and cause him to succeed. His risk, his action, God's provision, God's power.
So...how dependent on the Holy Spirit are you willing to live? Would you risk your career to serve God on the mission field? Would you risk providing for your family to follow God's direction? Would you risk being labeled "fool" or "fanatic" to follow the voice of Jesus in a different direction? (I mean really has your way worked out better?) Would you be willing to put your stuff on the line and be part of God's answer to this generation? I say YES! Let's do this!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Method to My Madness!!
Yes there is a method to my madness, if anyone is wondering. I often cause a little bit of confusion in some people because some of the things I do are unexpected. One example is, I recently started doing a "Your Mom" slam of the day on twitter that also gets posted on my facebook. What in the world could I be thinking??? I'm a pastor after all! :) (the idea by the way came from ABC News anchor Dan Harris in some conversations we had...blame him!)
Well here's what I am thinking. Recently I became aware of yet another person who had been used by the Lord with great impact in reaching those not yet in relationship with the Lord, who has now become so (some word I need to think of) that they are living critical judgmental lives. Their effectiveness? Gone. They have no impact on the lost whatsoever...except for the delusional "good example" that they are living in front of the world.
I am fighting in my life to not only grow closer to the Lord, but also to never lose the ability to connect with the unchurched. Think about this! In the name of "sanctification" (a word the unchurched get a funky look on their face when hearing it), we cut off all contact, learn a new language and become altogether "respectable." Don't get me wrong here. There is much that must change as we become more like Jesus. There is growing in holiness and wisdom as we draw close to the Lord. But think about Jesus, our standard for what holiness means in this world. Where did He spend his time in ministry? Who did He hang out with? What type of language did He use? (I'm not suggesting by the way that Jesus went around ripping on people's moms!)
What is with the disconnect though in the life of the Christian? Does growing in holiness mean growing ineffective in evangelism? If we were to look at the life of the average seasoned Christian, then the answer in a lot of cases would be "yes." It doesn't have to be that way. I can think of several seasoned Christians that are witnessing their little tails off for the Lord and I love it! Listen! We can do everything better in Heaven except reach the lost. We will worship better, pray better, BE better. But what we cannot do is reach people for Jesus...that must happen NOW.
Resist the pressure to be "bland" for Jesus. I live my ministry life by mission. I live to glorify Jesus, equip others to: minister, grow, and "do the work of an evangelist" and live healthy Christ-centered lives; and try my best to be a connection point for people with God. Sometimes these priorities clash with others expectations of what I should or should not do. I'm not saying I don't make mistakes or sometimes take it to far sometimes, but it flows from a desire to always be able to connect on a real level with someone utterly unreligious...just like Jesus did.
So...what are you doing? Have you allowed people, circumstances, a misguided sense of holiness to shave off all the unique things that God has put in you so that you are just some amorphous blob of blandness? Start a revolution! Welcome the Kingdom of God into your life in a radical new way! Challenge the world's expectaions! Do something!
Well here's what I am thinking. Recently I became aware of yet another person who had been used by the Lord with great impact in reaching those not yet in relationship with the Lord, who has now become so (some word I need to think of) that they are living critical judgmental lives. Their effectiveness? Gone. They have no impact on the lost whatsoever...except for the delusional "good example" that they are living in front of the world.
I am fighting in my life to not only grow closer to the Lord, but also to never lose the ability to connect with the unchurched. Think about this! In the name of "sanctification" (a word the unchurched get a funky look on their face when hearing it), we cut off all contact, learn a new language and become altogether "respectable." Don't get me wrong here. There is much that must change as we become more like Jesus. There is growing in holiness and wisdom as we draw close to the Lord. But think about Jesus, our standard for what holiness means in this world. Where did He spend his time in ministry? Who did He hang out with? What type of language did He use? (I'm not suggesting by the way that Jesus went around ripping on people's moms!)
What is with the disconnect though in the life of the Christian? Does growing in holiness mean growing ineffective in evangelism? If we were to look at the life of the average seasoned Christian, then the answer in a lot of cases would be "yes." It doesn't have to be that way. I can think of several seasoned Christians that are witnessing their little tails off for the Lord and I love it! Listen! We can do everything better in Heaven except reach the lost. We will worship better, pray better, BE better. But what we cannot do is reach people for Jesus...that must happen NOW.
Resist the pressure to be "bland" for Jesus. I live my ministry life by mission. I live to glorify Jesus, equip others to: minister, grow, and "do the work of an evangelist" and live healthy Christ-centered lives; and try my best to be a connection point for people with God. Sometimes these priorities clash with others expectations of what I should or should not do. I'm not saying I don't make mistakes or sometimes take it to far sometimes, but it flows from a desire to always be able to connect on a real level with someone utterly unreligious...just like Jesus did.
So...what are you doing? Have you allowed people, circumstances, a misguided sense of holiness to shave off all the unique things that God has put in you so that you are just some amorphous blob of blandness? Start a revolution! Welcome the Kingdom of God into your life in a radical new way! Challenge the world's expectaions! Do something!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Nothing New...
When is this?
"turbulent years"
"great financial panics"
"A gulf seemed to be widening between the great captains of industry and the (labor force)"
"unprecedented government scandals"
"general decline in public morality."
These are the comments describing our nation just before the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the turn of the 20th century.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (TNIV) if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
"turbulent years"
"great financial panics"
"A gulf seemed to be widening between the great captains of industry and the (labor force)"
"unprecedented government scandals"
"general decline in public morality."
These are the comments describing our nation just before the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the turn of the 20th century.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (TNIV) if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
What is church for?
Great question right? One would think that the answer would be simple...and yet ask some people around you and see what responses you get.
"Church is a place to sing praise."
"It's all about values."
"My parents always took me, and it gives me a feeling of connection."
"It's the right thing to do."
"It's important for my kids..."
Those all seem like good answers...but then why are so many leaving churches today? Why do so many find church boring and irrelevant? (Because many of them are!) The very fabric of our nation is coming undone even as the churches falter.
For the last several decades we (in the church) found out that we can build big churches by focusing on the peripherals.
"If we just have the best song service in town we can grow!"
"If we just teach a person how to be good in this broken down world everything will be fine."
Many churches today have become Christian Country Clubs. Many have become mere concert venues. Many have been shaped so that the ultimate goal is to further the ends of the local church alone. The result? We have people claiming Christianity that have no idea what that means. Christianity has become about "values" or about what political party you normally vote for. Churches have become the place where "good" people go on the weekends to affirm their goodness. We have an entire generation that has grown up in institutionalized churches that have no idea what it means to be a follower of Christ. They are being eaten up by the new philosophies and the new ideas that they are being exposed to.
What is church for? It is for Christ.
Do we at West Shore want to grow? Yes. Have we spent the last year and a half going through the hard work of changing how we do things in order to be relevant? Absolutely. Are we continuing to build and work toward having a great contemporary worship service? Abso-flippin-lutely! Howver, we are not throwing the baby out with the bathwater as the old (and quite disturbing) phrase goes. But the essence of everthing that we are doing is to call people, young and old, into a genuine life-altering relationship with Jesus Christ.
You see we are just crazy enough to truly believe that Jesus is alive after being crucified, dead and buried and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father. We are just silly enough (according to today's cultural mindset) to believe that the Living God is still calling people out of their brokenness and addiction to sin to live a free life through repentance and restoration. These are not mere lifeless doctrines that have their residence in the abstract. This is real life, lived in connection to the Real God.
Yes, church is the right thing to do. It is great for the kids. It is right to continue in your Christian heritage. It is where we connect with other people in healthy relationships. It is where we become better people through relationship with Christ... Support missionaries, hear the gospel preached, praise and worship our God, get blessed, serve our community, help the poor, etc. etc. etc.
But it is about Christ! The central focus should be about Jesus. Are you madly in love with Jesus? Do you know Him like that yet? Have you had a life-altering experience with Jesus Christ, or have you just hung around all the stuff that has the Christian label to it? You see without Jesus sitting on the throne of your heart or beating as the heart of a church, all the other stuff is just garbage...stop eating it.
John 15:5 (TNIV) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Philippians 3:7-8 (TNIV) But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ
"Church is a place to sing praise."
"It's all about values."
"My parents always took me, and it gives me a feeling of connection."
"It's the right thing to do."
"It's important for my kids..."
Those all seem like good answers...but then why are so many leaving churches today? Why do so many find church boring and irrelevant? (Because many of them are!) The very fabric of our nation is coming undone even as the churches falter.
For the last several decades we (in the church) found out that we can build big churches by focusing on the peripherals.
"If we just have the best song service in town we can grow!"
"If we just teach a person how to be good in this broken down world everything will be fine."
Many churches today have become Christian Country Clubs. Many have become mere concert venues. Many have been shaped so that the ultimate goal is to further the ends of the local church alone. The result? We have people claiming Christianity that have no idea what that means. Christianity has become about "values" or about what political party you normally vote for. Churches have become the place where "good" people go on the weekends to affirm their goodness. We have an entire generation that has grown up in institutionalized churches that have no idea what it means to be a follower of Christ. They are being eaten up by the new philosophies and the new ideas that they are being exposed to.
What is church for? It is for Christ.
Do we at West Shore want to grow? Yes. Have we spent the last year and a half going through the hard work of changing how we do things in order to be relevant? Absolutely. Are we continuing to build and work toward having a great contemporary worship service? Abso-flippin-lutely! Howver, we are not throwing the baby out with the bathwater as the old (and quite disturbing) phrase goes. But the essence of everthing that we are doing is to call people, young and old, into a genuine life-altering relationship with Jesus Christ.
You see we are just crazy enough to truly believe that Jesus is alive after being crucified, dead and buried and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father. We are just silly enough (according to today's cultural mindset) to believe that the Living God is still calling people out of their brokenness and addiction to sin to live a free life through repentance and restoration. These are not mere lifeless doctrines that have their residence in the abstract. This is real life, lived in connection to the Real God.
Yes, church is the right thing to do. It is great for the kids. It is right to continue in your Christian heritage. It is where we connect with other people in healthy relationships. It is where we become better people through relationship with Christ... Support missionaries, hear the gospel preached, praise and worship our God, get blessed, serve our community, help the poor, etc. etc. etc.
But it is about Christ! The central focus should be about Jesus. Are you madly in love with Jesus? Do you know Him like that yet? Have you had a life-altering experience with Jesus Christ, or have you just hung around all the stuff that has the Christian label to it? You see without Jesus sitting on the throne of your heart or beating as the heart of a church, all the other stuff is just garbage...stop eating it.
John 15:5 (TNIV) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Philippians 3:7-8 (TNIV) But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Recession or Revival
It has been a truth that during the hardest times in history past that people all over the world have found hope in Risen Christ. People often point to the various hardships in the world as a reason to doubt the existence of God. "How could a loving God...?" When it is in fact that our fellow human beings have been the ones to inflict harm.
People right not in this country are suffering. People are experiencing fear about their futures, people are losing their homes, being laid off, "nesteggs" disappearing, and that's not even to mention the plight of those who were poor before this economic meltdown. Responsible people are feeling the pinch and effects of those who acted irresponsible. But apart from bringing to light the need for reform is there any other lesson here?
I know I was taught that the $ was almighty. We were to navigate our lives based upon the acquisition of this strange little symbol... $. Even when God called me into the ministry I felt the pull of $. There's nothing wrong with $. In fact I would like to have many more of $! I think people should endeavor to make as much $ as possible in order to build the Kingdom of God. But I have been fighting my whole Christian life not to be ruled by $. Each time I switched ministry positions (3) I have gone down in pay, yet it was always the Lord. A few years back I experienced the pain of what many people are experiencing now. I found myself without a job, without income through no act of wrong doing. I became one of those guys I swore I never would... a guy in his mid-30's who had to move back in with his parents..wife, kids and all! I felt shame, fear, anger at myself and God. It was the hardest time in my life to date...and God led me there. What I didn't know or see was that it was God's graduate school for me. It was a time to truly learn that God is my provision; nothing or no one else is. I may not like how he provides...it might offend my pride, but he cares for me. I went from being, for all intents and purposes, homeless to now experiencing being a first time homeowner in a nice neighborhood. Why? We trusted God and we waited and we prayed and asked God's direction. Everyday it was a fight to crucify my desires, goals and pride in order to wait on the Lord.
Have you discovered the freedom of living by faith and the Word of the Lord? Matthew 6:33 (TNIV) "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Have you learned this yet?"
You see we are fine with the "God thing," until it costs us. Until it leads us to a place where we are truly out of control. And yet is that not the lesson of where we find ourselves as a nation right now? We have kicked God out of our country and remade it in our own image...and look what's happened.
Are you broken enough where you realize that wherever else you place your trust in besides Jesus is going to lead to death? There is favor and provision for His children. He cares for us and we care for one another. Are tired of serving the false god of $? Revival always comes with the tearing down of our idols...not making a nice place for God right next to them. I am looking for revival and an explosion of people turning to Jesus during this time of trial. Will you find hope there as so many have throughout the centuries? Repent of the desire to be your own God in the name of "responsibility" or "providing for my family."
Matthew 3:2 (TNIV) ...“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Live the adventure that is following Jesus.
People right not in this country are suffering. People are experiencing fear about their futures, people are losing their homes, being laid off, "nesteggs" disappearing, and that's not even to mention the plight of those who were poor before this economic meltdown. Responsible people are feeling the pinch and effects of those who acted irresponsible. But apart from bringing to light the need for reform is there any other lesson here?
I know I was taught that the $ was almighty. We were to navigate our lives based upon the acquisition of this strange little symbol... $. Even when God called me into the ministry I felt the pull of $. There's nothing wrong with $. In fact I would like to have many more of $! I think people should endeavor to make as much $ as possible in order to build the Kingdom of God. But I have been fighting my whole Christian life not to be ruled by $. Each time I switched ministry positions (3) I have gone down in pay, yet it was always the Lord. A few years back I experienced the pain of what many people are experiencing now. I found myself without a job, without income through no act of wrong doing. I became one of those guys I swore I never would... a guy in his mid-30's who had to move back in with his parents..wife, kids and all! I felt shame, fear, anger at myself and God. It was the hardest time in my life to date...and God led me there. What I didn't know or see was that it was God's graduate school for me. It was a time to truly learn that God is my provision; nothing or no one else is. I may not like how he provides...it might offend my pride, but he cares for me. I went from being, for all intents and purposes, homeless to now experiencing being a first time homeowner in a nice neighborhood. Why? We trusted God and we waited and we prayed and asked God's direction. Everyday it was a fight to crucify my desires, goals and pride in order to wait on the Lord.
Have you discovered the freedom of living by faith and the Word of the Lord? Matthew 6:33 (TNIV) "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Have you learned this yet?"
You see we are fine with the "God thing," until it costs us. Until it leads us to a place where we are truly out of control. And yet is that not the lesson of where we find ourselves as a nation right now? We have kicked God out of our country and remade it in our own image...and look what's happened.
Are you broken enough where you realize that wherever else you place your trust in besides Jesus is going to lead to death? There is favor and provision for His children. He cares for us and we care for one another. Are tired of serving the false god of $? Revival always comes with the tearing down of our idols...not making a nice place for God right next to them. I am looking for revival and an explosion of people turning to Jesus during this time of trial. Will you find hope there as so many have throughout the centuries? Repent of the desire to be your own God in the name of "responsibility" or "providing for my family."
Matthew 3:2 (TNIV) ...“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Live the adventure that is following Jesus.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Don't be a pansy...
Don't be a pansy in your walk with Christ... Have you ever lived in such a way where if God didn't come through, you're toast? Peter is a great example of a non-pansy faith. Many people chide Peter because of the fact that he started to sink because of a lack of faith after walking on water to the Lord. But let me ask you this, have you walked on water? Maybe your expression of faith will not lead to a literal walking on water for you. But there are plenty of parallels in the Christian life where God beckons us to come to Him and it requires us to leave the safety of our "boats." So, have you "walked on water?"
At West Shore Church we are building a church that is going to be different. We are taking our step out of the boat very soon in that we are relocating and believing God to provide in numerous ways. What is needed in addition to our faith and willingness is some people who we have yet to meet willing to step out with us. Many people check out our church and c
ome to visit, but right now we don't have the huge menu of ministries and options that people normally judge a church by. What we do have is an opportunity for people to live an extraordinary life of faith and adventure. (If you are plugged into a great church that is seeing people saved and lives changed and you are an integral part of that, ignore this!) Let me ask you this: Would you rather find a church where you can just fit into the establishment, or would you rather be a part of building something different and new in this area. Let's be honest...some churches suck the life out of people. Not everyone who is walking away from their church these days is wrong for doing so.
Make no mistake...we are passionately committed to connecting people who don't yet know Jesus to His wonderful Good News. But in order to accomplish that we are going to need the help of some Nehemiahs who can see with vision by faith and who are willing to help build the Kingdom of God.
Do you want to make a difference with your life? ...then don't be a pansy. Put your stuff on the line for Jesus...go "all in."
At West Shore Church we are building a church that is going to be different. We are taking our step out of the boat very soon in that we are relocating and believing God to provide in numerous ways. What is needed in addition to our faith and willingness is some people who we have yet to meet willing to step out with us. Many people check out our church and c

Make no mistake...we are passionately committed to connecting people who don't yet know Jesus to His wonderful Good News. But in order to accomplish that we are going to need the help of some Nehemiahs who can see with vision by faith and who are willing to help build the Kingdom of God.
Do you want to make a difference with your life? ...then don't be a pansy. Put your stuff on the line for Jesus...go "all in."
Friday, March 13, 2009
When I Falter...
Every time my strength begins to falter; every time my resolve begins to erode, God sends His Word to refresh my soul. The task before is one that continually tears me down…but where is my strength found? Where does my help come from?
Does anything worth doing come without cost? And yet He is there to refresh me. My responsibility to His direction is obedience. But He doesn’t leave me with just duty. He comes and refreshes my soul. Why? By His grace. Because that’s Who my God is.
Hosea 6:1-3 (TNIV) “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
Why we stepping out in faith as a church? Because we’ve sensed His direction. It will be challenging to fulfill His call. But we also know that He will not leave us as orphans. He will come…
Does anything worth doing come without cost? And yet He is there to refresh me. My responsibility to His direction is obedience. But He doesn’t leave me with just duty. He comes and refreshes my soul. Why? By His grace. Because that’s Who my God is.
Hosea 6:1-3 (TNIV) “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
Why we stepping out in faith as a church? Because we’ve sensed His direction. It will be challenging to fulfill His call. But we also know that He will not leave us as orphans. He will come…
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
For those who wish for proof instead of faith....
There is sufficient light for those who wish to see, and sufficient darkness for those of the opposite disposition.
Enough clarity to illumine the elect, and enough darkness to keep them humble.
Sufficient darkness to blind the reprobate, and sufficient clarity to condemn them and make them inexcusable.
-Blaise Pascal
Enough clarity to illumine the elect, and enough darkness to keep them humble.
Sufficient darkness to blind the reprobate, and sufficient clarity to condemn them and make them inexcusable.
-Blaise Pascal
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Anti-Me Generation
People describe the folks in the 1980's as the "Me" generation. There was such a focus upon self, getting more stuff, driving the right car, etc. Though that hasn't totally gone away, there is a ideological backlash going on in our culture. Much of it is an extremely positive thing. People are more conscious about other people, cultures, ideas, etc. People are concerned about the environment and are not just acting like a bunch of mad consumers with no thought for the repercussions. Whether it is more recently because of the terrible economy or a product of this backlash I don't know, but people are driving more sensible cars. There are a lot of positive things about this.
There are also some negative things. In the grwoing awareness of global cultures, values and religions, people in our culture are afraid to make any right/wrong choices. I hear more and more people refusing a personal faith in Jesus because they have questions like, "what about the child on the Sarengeti who needs water?" "What about all the injustice?" Good questions, but wrong application. (Just finished a series called "Where is God When..." dealing with some of these tough issues). Because of this people are refusing personal commitment and making a choice because...someone might be offended by what I believe...what makes this truth right and the others wrong?...
Bottom line...while there are many positive things resulting from this ideological shift, there are some negative things as well. Faith by the very nature of what it is requires an element of self-centeredness. "What do I belive and why?" Yes, you are responsible for more than just yourself...but you are responsible for yourself. On the most foundational level we will be judged not for "what we do" but for "who we know." Did we place personal saving faith in Person of Jesus Christ as our Savior? Apart from that, your works, you attitudes your feelings about everything are irrelevant.
John 15:1-8 (TNIV) “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
To proclaim God's truth about Himself and our personal belief in Him and this truth is not bigotry, intolerance or arrogance. In fact it is one of the most servant-hearted things that we could do. After all if God is real, if Jesus really died for all, then ours is not simply one choice among many options. If you really are in relationship with Jesus Christ, then the only thing holding you back from sharing His truth really would be "me" centered.
Live the answer.
There are also some negative things. In the grwoing awareness of global cultures, values and religions, people in our culture are afraid to make any right/wrong choices. I hear more and more people refusing a personal faith in Jesus because they have questions like, "what about the child on the Sarengeti who needs water?" "What about all the injustice?" Good questions, but wrong application. (Just finished a series called "Where is God When..." dealing with some of these tough issues). Because of this people are refusing personal commitment and making a choice because...someone might be offended by what I believe...what makes this truth right and the others wrong?...
Bottom line...while there are many positive things resulting from this ideological shift, there are some negative things as well. Faith by the very nature of what it is requires an element of self-centeredness. "What do I belive and why?" Yes, you are responsible for more than just yourself...but you are responsible for yourself. On the most foundational level we will be judged not for "what we do" but for "who we know." Did we place personal saving faith in Person of Jesus Christ as our Savior? Apart from that, your works, you attitudes your feelings about everything are irrelevant.
John 15:1-8 (TNIV) “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
To proclaim God's truth about Himself and our personal belief in Him and this truth is not bigotry, intolerance or arrogance. In fact it is one of the most servant-hearted things that we could do. After all if God is real, if Jesus really died for all, then ours is not simply one choice among many options. If you really are in relationship with Jesus Christ, then the only thing holding you back from sharing His truth really would be "me" centered.
Live the answer.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Functional Atheism
Just a quick thought for you.
How does your life differ from that of an atheists? Some might point to beliefs or perhaps (mistakenly) to some level of goodness. But really...how does your life truly differ?
I am convinced that many Christians are living lives that are in effect lives that are indistinguishable in any kind of meaningful way from an atheist. Is it simply our belief system that separates?
In our constant pursuit of safety and security, we stop living by faith. Have you been able to say any of these lately?
"I have followed God to this point, and if He doesn't come through, I'm dead."
"I believe God told me to do 'this,' and I have positioned myself to obey. If I'm wrong my family and I are in trouble."
Is your journey one of belief; or one of faith? Atheists have a belief system and they navigate life by it. Christians have a belief system, but many do not find the intersect point within their life. It is their "spiritual side." Really? What is that? You see faith takes what we believe and (hopefully) what the Living God is saying to us and steps out of the boat.
Live the distinction. Let people see Jesus in your life, they don't care about your beliefs.
How does your life differ from that of an atheists? Some might point to beliefs or perhaps (mistakenly) to some level of goodness. But really...how does your life truly differ?
I am convinced that many Christians are living lives that are in effect lives that are indistinguishable in any kind of meaningful way from an atheist. Is it simply our belief system that separates?
In our constant pursuit of safety and security, we stop living by faith. Have you been able to say any of these lately?
"I have followed God to this point, and if He doesn't come through, I'm dead."
"I believe God told me to do 'this,' and I have positioned myself to obey. If I'm wrong my family and I are in trouble."
Is your journey one of belief; or one of faith? Atheists have a belief system and they navigate life by it. Christians have a belief system, but many do not find the intersect point within their life. It is their "spiritual side." Really? What is that? You see faith takes what we believe and (hopefully) what the Living God is saying to us and steps out of the boat.
Live the distinction. Let people see Jesus in your life, they don't care about your beliefs.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Where is God When...?
We started a new series last week "Where is God when..." answering some of the tough questions that come up in people's faith journey.
Last week we looked at Where is God when I'm suffering? It is a horrible thing to feel alone when you are suffering through something in life. It can feel like God is distant at times when you need Him the most. listen, download or subscribe to our podcast through iTunes at our site www.westshorechurch.info/html/media.html
This weekend we are looking at "Where is God When...He's LATE!!??" Ever been looking to God for direction, only to feel like He is silent or that He is just saying "wait. trust Me." Meanwhile you have deadlines demanding your attention.
Come be a part of our service this weekend and get the full experience!
Last week we looked at Where is God when I'm suffering? It is a horrible thing to feel alone when you are suffering through something in life. It can feel like God is distant at times when you need Him the most. listen, download or subscribe to our podcast through iTunes at our site www.westshorechurch.info/html/media.html
This weekend we are looking at "Where is God When...He's LATE!!??" Ever been looking to God for direction, only to feel like He is silent or that He is just saying "wait. trust Me." Meanwhile you have deadlines demanding your attention.
Come be a part of our service this weekend and get the full experience!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Kingdom Leadership
You know what I am about to say may be the most important thing some leaders in the Kingdom will ever read, it also may be the most irrelevant and unwanted thing for them to read as well.
I have taught leadership in the Kingdom for over a decade. I have seen passionate young men and women raised up and equipped under my ministry. I have taught them all the principles I can about service, relevance, integrity, faithfulness, vision, etc. Like me most of them had the attitude of being willing to "Go anywhere and do anything for Jesus."
About four years ago now the Lord led me out of my place of full time pastoral ministry into an unexpected time of wilderness for a period of two years. I felt betrayed by God because He didn't meet my expectations of what should have been next for my life and that of my family. I was expecting "the next level", the Promised Land of ministry that I had fought and prayed for for so long. What I found was a barren wasteland where God seemed distant and His voice was silent. What do you do leader, when there is no one left to lead?
As I said I was willing to go anywhere and do anything for the Lord...except when He asked me to do nothing. Do nothing and just trust Him. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months. Seasons came and went and still He was silent.
Slowly I began to see in His Word how this is actually a common experience in the people that God graciously decides to call to His service. We read the story of Abraham and just read verse to verse, chapter to chapter and it's no big deal. But what about for him? 25 years of waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. What would you do?
A few years back I discovered something. There is a pattern of priority that I see in Scripture. This is not a formula, because God is God and there will be exceptions, but I believe it is a strong Biblical principle.
First God calls you to Himself, then to His people, then to a task.
These principles are not independent of each other. They build on one another. God always primarily calls you into relationship with Himself, from that comes His direction to serve the Christians around you with humility where His character is formed. After that (and perhaps through that) comes calling and burden for something specific.
Our culture is a task-oriented culture and we are driven by ambition. Therefore people tend to skip to the last task. They immediately want to experience a calling, receive responsibility, etc.
I say this with all affection, but Leader you must remember that you are not special. You exist today because of an unbroken chain of faithfulness through the centuries of Christians who have followed the path that God laid out before them. Your circumstance is not special. There is no loop hole to catapult you ahead regarding the formation of Christ within you. If the great heroes of the faith had to experience wilderness times, times of testing, times of great trail and disillusionment...then so will you. You must put that in your leadership formula.
God calls you to live in the now with Him. His name is "I AM" He is sufficient for you right now. The future is in the sovereignty of His hands, and that is where it will always stay. Trust Him in the now. Trust in His goodness towards you. Trust that His thoughts for you are for good and not for evil. Don't let your dreams and expectations of God eclipse your view of His face. Your life is in His hands in the valley, just as surely as it was on the mountaintop.
God bless you!
I have taught leadership in the Kingdom for over a decade. I have seen passionate young men and women raised up and equipped under my ministry. I have taught them all the principles I can about service, relevance, integrity, faithfulness, vision, etc. Like me most of them had the attitude of being willing to "Go anywhere and do anything for Jesus."
About four years ago now the Lord led me out of my place of full time pastoral ministry into an unexpected time of wilderness for a period of two years. I felt betrayed by God because He didn't meet my expectations of what should have been next for my life and that of my family. I was expecting "the next level", the Promised Land of ministry that I had fought and prayed for for so long. What I found was a barren wasteland where God seemed distant and His voice was silent. What do you do leader, when there is no one left to lead?
As I said I was willing to go anywhere and do anything for the Lord...except when He asked me to do nothing. Do nothing and just trust Him. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months. Seasons came and went and still He was silent.
Slowly I began to see in His Word how this is actually a common experience in the people that God graciously decides to call to His service. We read the story of Abraham and just read verse to verse, chapter to chapter and it's no big deal. But what about for him? 25 years of waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. What would you do?
A few years back I discovered something. There is a pattern of priority that I see in Scripture. This is not a formula, because God is God and there will be exceptions, but I believe it is a strong Biblical principle.
First God calls you to Himself, then to His people, then to a task.
These principles are not independent of each other. They build on one another. God always primarily calls you into relationship with Himself, from that comes His direction to serve the Christians around you with humility where His character is formed. After that (and perhaps through that) comes calling and burden for something specific.
Our culture is a task-oriented culture and we are driven by ambition. Therefore people tend to skip to the last task. They immediately want to experience a calling, receive responsibility, etc.
I say this with all affection, but Leader you must remember that you are not special. You exist today because of an unbroken chain of faithfulness through the centuries of Christians who have followed the path that God laid out before them. Your circumstance is not special. There is no loop hole to catapult you ahead regarding the formation of Christ within you. If the great heroes of the faith had to experience wilderness times, times of testing, times of great trail and disillusionment...then so will you. You must put that in your leadership formula.
God calls you to live in the now with Him. His name is "I AM" He is sufficient for you right now. The future is in the sovereignty of His hands, and that is where it will always stay. Trust Him in the now. Trust in His goodness towards you. Trust that His thoughts for you are for good and not for evil. Don't let your dreams and expectations of God eclipse your view of His face. Your life is in His hands in the valley, just as surely as it was on the mountaintop.
God bless you!
Spiritual Growth
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Apply To You?
Matthew 24:4-8 (AMP) Jesus answered them, Be careful that no one misleads you [deceiving you and leading you into error]. For many will come in (on the strength of) My name [appropriating the name which belongs to Me], saying, I am the Christ (the Messiah), and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened or troubled, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in place after place; All this is but the beginning [the early pains] of the birth pangs [of the intolerable anguish].
Matthew 24:10-14 (AMP) And then many will be offended and repelled and will begin to distrust and desert [Him Whom they ought to trust and obey] and will stumble and fall away and betray one another and pursue one another with hatred. And many false prophets will rise up and deceive and lead many into error. And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity, But he who endures to the end will be saved.
And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end.
Matthew 24:10-14 (AMP) And then many will be offended and repelled and will begin to distrust and desert [Him Whom they ought to trust and obey] and will stumble and fall away and betray one another and pursue one another with hatred. And many false prophets will rise up and deceive and lead many into error. And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity, But he who endures to the end will be saved.
And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end.
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