Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Research Question

I am doing some research for my master's class. I would love it if you could comment on this blog with your reply. You do not need to register to reply, it can be anonymous if you'd like.

Here are the questions:
"Do you go to church regularly? If not, why?" (please think about the foundational answer instead of just "busy" for example)

"Why do you think that the American church (all denominations) are experiencing decline in attendance?"

Thanks for your help!


Anonymous said...

1. No. While raised in a Presbyterian church (First Church of the Covered Dish), today I find my spiritual needs call for a bigger, wider, more open view that encompasses and embraces and welcomes all, Christian and otherwise. I attend non-denominational spiritual discussion groups, but not an organized church.

2. Relevance. We are becoming an open, more inclusive world. As we become more enlightened, there is less desire for teachings that exclude and/or preclude.

Happy to be of service.

Unknown said...

1. Yes

2. An overall unwillingness to change and adapt to be relevant to current culture. I do not mean changing The Message, simply the manner in which it is delivered. Many churches would do better to change their signs from "Church" to "Museum of how people had church 50 years ago".

People do not question that in order to save the lost in Africa that we need to get on a plane and go to where they are, and witness to them in their language. However those same people will find it terribly offensive to include all sorts of technology as well as contemporary music styles in a church service in order to reach the lost of the American Generation X or Y. In order to reach the lost, we must meet them where they are - physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually and show them the Way.

To a lessor, but related, degree, too much focus is put on "religion" and the legalistic doctrines. It's not about religion, it's about a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Pastor Eric said...

Thank you, anon! I really do value your input.

Pastor Eric said...

Thanks, Dave! ;)

JenO said...

Is it fair to answer since I work in a church?? I will anyway.

1) Yes, I attend regularly. Every stinkin' Sunday!

2) Decline in attendance, in my opinion and what I have prayed about and read about, stems directly from churches having no depth. People want to experience God and be challenged to go beyond themselves. When they don't find that in a "pop culture" church (one sympathetic to the masses) they are bored after 2 years. Breakfast at IHOP on Sunday sounds more interesting than church. Honestly, I think you can get more "church" on a Sunday at IHOP than in some of these buildings around here!! I think we have lived such a self centered life for sooo long, that we are really sick of ourselves. We need to reach beyond and if church is catering to ME, then the story is the same. When church stops being about ME, I have found a more interesting story. I am excited to have a part in that.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when I went to church everytime the doors were open. That church ended up splitting and eventually moving. I think it still has a congregation but I'm not sure. I loved that church and all the people that went to it. The imploding of it shook me up deeply.

I do go to church frequently, but not every Sunday. My walk with the Lord is not as close as it has been in the past and I feel guilty about that. I know if I draw near to God he will draw near to me but ....I have no real excuse...God has been very good to me....I guess I'm lazy.

As for the decline in attendence...I think part of it is the feeling that "church" people are judgemental, and a lot are, myself included...hypocrit that I am. And I don't think people (me) want to be accountable to anyone. You do your thing and I'll do mine.

I don't think this in anyway is a good way to be but that's where I am right now and I'm one of the declining attendies. (is that a word? lol)

Pastor Eric said...

Thanks, anon (July 10, 2008 10:56 PM)

I understand totally. Someone once said "churches are great...except for the people!"
Churches are filled with people of course and people are broken; even ones that are in relationship with Jesus.

We are trying a grand experiment at west shore ( We are attempting to make church about Jesus, real life disciples, and be authentic in our worship and faith. I appreciate your participation and God bless you!

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